Saturday, May 17, 2008

Conversation with a 5-year-old

I took Gilly and Simon to the playground this morning while Lyn went to go have some kid-free time. The weather was nice, and a few of the other neighborhood kids were out there too. I had a funny conversation with a couple of the kids, one who is 5 years old (and another little girl, maybe 3?).

Boy: "Adam, my dad is 28"

Me: "Oh, he is?"

Boy: "He's younger than you."

Me: "Yes, he is."

Boy: "He's a bit taller than you too."

Me: "Yes, I think he is."

Boy: "No, he is definitely taller."

Me: (smiling, trying not to laugh)

Little girl: "I like macaroni and cheese."

Boy: "I smell a skunk."

I'm not sure how the conversation transitioned to mac & cheese, and skunks, but it was really cute.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I dunno . . .

does this boy look like he's enjoying his 1st birthday cupcake?

Birthday Boy

Happy birthday Simon!

4 days old:

one year:

Hard to believe how quickly a year passes . . . can't we slow this down just a little?

Monday, May 12, 2008


We're still here . . . still busy. I've been busy with lab/school and Lyn has been busy with Gilly and Simon, carrying the load all by herself as I've been an absentee husband lately. Have I mentioned how awesome she is? She's awesome.

The kids have been busy too:

Gilly has been busy cooking

Simon has been busy, ummm . . . tying himself up with gigantic rubber bands?

Monday, May 05, 2008


I admit it . . . I'm a sucker for a sappy story.

Saturday, May 03, 2008